Sunday, January 7, 2007

about foo-fu

Sunday being my day of rest and thinking things through, I considered it a good moment to give a bit more explanation about "foo-fu" and what it means for me.

Let's look at the two parts of foo-fu: foo and fu.

On itself foo is generally known as a metasyntactic variable, especially in programming examples like "if foo=1 then ..." .
This is even specified in its own RFC (RFC 3092)!

Foo is also a type of chinese dog.
Well more correctly, "foo" carries the connotation "lucky" in Standard chinese. Therefor you have the dogs guarding a doorway called foo-dog as they're intended to bring luck or to conserve luck for those behind this door.

Although sometimes considered an alternative method of writing of the word "foo", in itself "fu" has an other meaning which also happens to be the one I intended for this blog which is "expertise".
This is especially through if you look at martial arts where the pupil will obtain a certain level of "fu" from his master or through his/her learnings.
Although a bit "Karate Kid"-esque, it relates to real life, in a sense that, through trial and error, you grow skills and learn to master the art of living your life.

"Fu" is also an extention regularly added to wordt to describe the mastering of something. Mostly in a joking way. A very popular version of this is animefu, an anime enthousiasts site.

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